
StoryMapJS​ and ​TimelineJS ​are narrative, multimedia digital tools created by the Northwestern University ​Knight Lab​.

StoryMapJS (h​ttps://​) is for spatial analysis: it operates like a slide presentation overlaid onto a map, with a description and multimedia for each geographic point.

Please note that this tool requires a Google account to use.

StoryMapJS Walkthrough

1. Go to,​ then log in with a Google account and create a new map.

2. Create your title slide (first slide) – it shows your title, introductory media and text, and all your geographic points.

Screenshot of an example StoryMapJS slide
StoryMapJS editing view.

3. Next, create location slides, which tie media, a title, and text to a particular geographic point, which you pick using the search bar​ on the map.

  • For your media: you can upload images directly to StoryMap, or use the web URL from an image.
  • You can also add URLs and embed media from a variety of other sources: Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, Vimeo, Google Maps, Wikipedia, SoundCloud, and more!
  • There are options to change the map marker and the slide background.
  • FYI: you can drag and drop your slides to reorder them.

4. Check out the ​Options​ button: the settings here allow you to change the settings of your StoryMap – including changing the map type.

Screenshot of StoryMapJS map options
StoryMapJS map options. You can select a new map type: Open Street Maps Standard is the map type used in these example screenshots.

5. Take a peek at the final version of your map using the Preview​ tab at the top lets you see what your map looks like to viewers.

Screenshot of StoryMapJS preview mode.
StoryMapJS preview mode.

6. Don’t forget to save​ as you go – and also publish​ your changes so that they are reflected in the published version.

7. Click the ​Share​ button to get the link to your map – you can use this link to share your map with others. You can also use the provided embed code to embed your map on a webpage.

Try It Yourself!

Make a quick map (3-5 slides) showcasing either:

  • your life journey – past, present, and where you hope to go in the future
  • OR the life journey of a character in a recent book / TV show / movie you have enjoyed (note: character’s journey must take place on our Earth for mapping purposes)

Don’t forget to include both text and multimedia!
